Lots of things have happened since I last wrote. I am a poor blogger for sure.
Money update:
I have received all of the money from my 203(k) loan. Hooray. That allowed me to pay everyone, and have some “scratch” left over.
The insurance? A different story. The good folks at Traveller’s are now requesting proof of everything that I paid for. Invoices that are signed and say “PAID” with the date paid are not enough apparently, they need checks.
I have a bunch of check receipts (as I pay, generally, in bank checks) waiting, but the total amount of the checks needs to be up to or above the total amount of the settlement. The checks aren’t even close. They have paid out more money that I have spent on the fire stuff, so it’s not a giant big deal, but still…
They have held back a few tens of thousands of dollars that I will never see, which is a bummer. A real bummer.
Also, Traveller’s related, I still don’t have the Additional Living Expenses check from them. It’s been over half of a year since I moved into a hotel because my house caught fire and I still have not been paid back for that. It was a huge chunk of money (12 grand for just the hotel), so I am pretty anxious to get that back. It’s super annoying. I really don’t like Traveller’s Insurance at all. They are the worst.
House Update:
The house is pretty much finished. I have it up for rent on craigslist and it was listed for sale at $179,900 late last week. Hooray. I cannot wait to sell it. I will get a large check when I do. It will be awesome.
The only things left to finish up are a little bit of electrical work (hooking up the above range fans on the first and second floor) and some floor sanding (as the generally good folks at Le Floors (not French) completely missed a single threshold on the second floor).
Oh and packing. Cause we’re moving to Puerto Rico on the 31st. Awesome.
House Pictures:
And there it is. I am in the process of trying to get it rented out, as well as trying to sell it, as well as trying to find a management company to take care of it once we are off to sunnier climes.