Thursday, May 28, 2009


Not much to report from yesterday, other than my huge driveway is filling up fast. Last night, here's what was sitting in it:

Four palates of rolled up sod
One palate of stacked and useless retaining wall caps
One moldy/putrid old refrigerator
One non-moldy, possibly putrid old dishwasher
The city garbage can
Another garbage can filled with construction waste
A small red convertible
A bigger, but still small, black soccer mom SUV.

That's a lot of stuff for one driveway.

It was too rainy to prep the yard for sod yesterday, so hopefully it's being prepped today? I doubt it. The weather still stinks. because of this, I was stuck inside creating a corner out of joint compound in the bathroom. It's a real pain to get right. I'm on coat number three, with number four awaiting my arrival home tonight.

After that, I started editing some video, now that my computer is set up at home. I hope to have that video done and ready for your viewing pleasure tonight. I'll hopefully have it posted tomorrow.

As an aside, if anyone wants to buy me a computer with 8 gigs of RAM, I'd appreciate it. My measly 2 gigs really chugs along when editing video.

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